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Usage Details (Downloads)

By purchasing this download package you agree to the conditions of use below.

In short, you can use these images on nearly any creative personal or commercial project, as long as you credit Ryan Pernofski for the image - and as long as the project is not illegal, obscene or rude. You cannot resell the images. Read below for specific details.

What you CAN do:

1. You may use these images on personal & commercial projects & works provided you credit @RyanPernofski to the image used.
2. You may remix, tweak & build upon the images – provided you credit @RyanPernofski for the source image used.
3. You may use it on printed material such as books or magazine ads WITH attribution to Ryan Pernofski.
4. You may use them on social media or digitally on websites with credit to Ryan Pernofski.

What you may NOT do:
1. You may not distribute or resell any of the downloaded files printed or digitally.
2. You may not share any remixes or works created including these images without crediting @RyanPernofski.
3. You may NOT Create merchandise or products for resale or distribution where the main value of the product is associated with the asset itself. For example, you can't use the asset to create a poster, t-shirt, or coffee mug that someone would buy specifically because of the asset printed on it. You can, however (as stated above) use it on book covers or magazines, where the main product is not the image.
4. You must not use, reproduce, distribute, perform, modify, or display the Work (by itself or in combination with any other work of authorship) in any manner that is libelous or slanderous or otherwise defamatory, illegal, obscene or indecent.

For any further enquiries regarding usage of the images: please email orders@ryanpernofski.com 


X © 2018 Ryan Pernofski